Thursday, 10 October 2019

March 16, 2020. St. Paul’s Cathedral, Pittsburgh, PA

March 16, 2020
Harvard Glee Club, conducted by Andrew Clark, premieres new work composed by Molly Joyce with text by Marco Grosse
St. Paul’s Cathedral
Pittsburgh, PA

Premiere, February 21, 2020, Harvard University

February 21, 2020
Harvard Glee Club, conducted by Andrew Clark, premieres new work 
of composer Molly Joyce with text by Marco Grosse
Harvard University
Cambridge, MA

Friday, 7 June 2019

“Hommage à Wim Wenders”, Edizioni Pulcinoelefante

Grazie ad Alberto Casiraghy, l’editore di Edizioni Pulcinoelefante, per questa fantastica edizione fatta a mano, con la collaborazione di Galya Popova.
Edizione X 493
Maggio 2019
30 copie

(Per acquisti scrivetemi un messaggio, grazie!)

Friday, 8 March 2019

As many asked me where they can find some of my poems in English, here again: Brodsky sang a song, published in the issue N° 106:

Brodsky sang a song

Brodsky sang a song
-it’s what you thought
when you heard his
voice recorded on an
old record spinning
him around
you just came into the room
while the trembling high frequency
of the never landing nasal voice
was meant to keep the importance
right up, in the air
Still you didn’t laugh
because you knew it was
a voice of the past
and his words were
keeping in touch
with us.
Illustration by Galya Popova

Thursday, 3 January 2019

Reisenotiz Nr. 12

Der Blick hat abgelegt. Ich atme auf. Das Schiff liegt ruhig. Ich atme ein.
Ich vergaß die Tage zu zählen. Die Möwen taten so, als hätten sie nichts bemerkt.

Wednesday, 2 January 2019

Reisenotiz Nr. 11

Jeder Wunsch ist ein Stein.
Jeder Stein ist ein Wellenmeer.
Der Staub, den die Steine
auf der Hand hinterlassen,
ist ein Beweis. Ein Anstoß.
Ihre vollkommene Stille schäumt über.
Wir waschen darin unsere Hände.
